

history of youtube

 A history that changed the history of the whole world. That changed the lives of 3 people. The history of YouTube has changed the world of many people.

Three PayPal employees started YouTube in 2005. Their names are Jawed Karim, Steve Chen, and Chad Hurley. and has now become one of the most visited websites in the history of the internet In 2004, they released Reality on video sharing media. the idea for YouTube received an $11.5 million investment from Sequoia Capital in 2005.

About the Youtube's Domain name-On February 14th, the domain name is registered on YouTube on Valentine's Day.

First video of Youtube
     The first YouTube video, titled Me at the zoo, was uploaded on April 23, 2005, by Jawed Karim.

Growth of Youtube

YouTube was one of the fastest-growing sites on the World Wide Web in 2006, By then, more than 65 thousand videos had been uploaded. The site delivered an average of 100 million video views per day in July. Even more than twenty million visitors started coming to YouTube per month.YouTube ranks second according to Alexa on the Internet. Even Youtube bit the popular social media site'My space'.

Purchase by Google

On October 9, 2006, it was announced that the company would be purchased by Google for US$1.65 billion in stock, which was completed on November 13. Then in 2010 YouTube's graphics were changed.

Creator Award of Youtube

Youtube has started awarding to motivate Youtubers.

Silver play button-When Creator cross 100k Subscriber then he was given the award.

Golden play button-when creator cross 1 million subscribers he was given this award.

Diamond Play button-When creator cross 10 million subscribers then he was given this            

Softwares of Youtube

  1. Youtube tv
  2. Youtube music
  3. Youtube Kids
  4. Youtube for Creators

Person of The Year

In 2006, Time Magazine featured a YouTube screen with a large mirror as its annual 'Person of the Year'. It cited user-created media such as that posted on YouTube and featured the site's originators along with several content creators. The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times also reviewed posted content on YouTube in 2006, with particular regard to its effects on corporate communications and recruitment. PC World Magazine named YouTube the ninth of its Top 10 Best Products of 2006. In 2007, both Sports Illustrated and Dime Magazine featured positive reviews of a basketball highlight video titled, The Ultimate Pistol Pete Maravich MIX.

Business Model of Youtube

Before Purchased by Google, YouTube declared that its business model was advertisement-based & Making 15 million Doller Per Month. Google did not provide detailed Full figures for YouTube's running costs. But Some industry commentators have speculated that YouTube's running costs (specifically the network bandwidth required) might be as high as 5 to 6 million dollars per month.
n March 2006. In April, YouTube started using Google AdSense.YouTube subsequently stopped using AdSense but has resumed in local regions.
Advertising is YouTube's central mechanism for gaining revenue. This issue has also been taken up in scientific analysis. Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams argue in their book Wikinomics that YouTube is an example of an economy that is based on mass collaboration and makes use of the Internet.
"Whether your business is closer to Boeing or P&G, or more like YouTube or Flickr, there are vast pools of external talent that you can tap with the right approach. Companies that adopt these models can drive important changes in their industries and rewrite the rules of competition "new business models for open content will not come from traditional media establishments but from companies such as Google, Yahoo, and YouTube. This new generation of companies is not burned by the legacies that inhibit the publishing incumbents, so they can be much more agile in responding to customer demands. More importantly, they understand that you don't need to control the quantity and destiny of bits if they can provide compelling venues in which people build communities around sharing and remixing content. Free content is just the lure on which they layer revenue from advertising and premium services".

Youtube Localization-

On June 19, 2007, Google CEO Eric Schmidt was in Paris to launch the new localization system. The interface of the website is available with localized versions in 89 countries, one territory (Hong Kong) and a worldwide version.

Most Subscribe Channel

Youtube's first most subscribe channel is T-Series.
This channel's Subscriber is approximate 124 million & 95,270,707,105 views .
And the Number of Videos is 14295. Basically, this is a music channel. it is an Indian Music Channel, that makes Bollywood songs. 

The second most subscriber channel is  Pewdiepie.
This channel's Subscriber is 102 million & 24,507,404,458 views.
This is a gaming channel. And The number of videos is 4070.

The third most subscriber channel is  Cocomelon – Nursery Rhymes.
This channel's Subscriber is 69.8 million &48,093,703,045 views.
This is an Education channel. And The number of videos is 492.

Youtube's fourth most subscribed channel is 5-minute crafts.
This channel's Subscriber is approximate 63.4 million & 16,909,653,849 views.
And the Number of Videos is 4061. Basically, this is a Creative channel. 

The fifth most subscriber channel is  SET India.
This channel's Subscriber is 62.9 million & 46,403,365,400  views.
This is an entertainment channel. And The number of videos is 35089.
And this is an Indian Channel.

The six most subscriber channel is canal kondzilla
This channel's Subscriber is 54.7 million &28,006,006,895 views.
This is a Music channel. And The number of videos is 1282.

Historical Progression of most subscribed channel

The first historical progression of the most subscribed channel is Smosh.
This channel's Subscriber is 25 million & 9,179,929,009  views.
This is an entertainment channel. And The number of videos is 1095.

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