

Destroy the rapist.Wake up indian.

Women's Day was celebrated on March 8. Women all over the world rose to safety. In our India and all the women rose up to protect women. But today, the Indians could not save the daughter of their house. Some of the most violent, greedy Indian beasts ended up in our house girl. We couldn't save him. This is our India.
This is our Indian government. This is our law, where pills are available only if the crime is committed. That means eating instead of life. Where in another country its gift is death. Today, Indian women are afraid to go out on the streets alone for the sake of this beast. Where the daughter of another country is conquering the world. Now where did the Indians, who raised a sigh? Where did our government go? How do they get the courage today? How do they have the courage to hurt our mothers and sisters? We have to change. We have to change our society immediately. To save our mothers and sisters, we have to take the law into our own hands. These people have to destroy the silver monsters. We have to make our society clean.

We have to demand from the government that those who beat our house girl in a brutal way will be punished with death. If not, then leave them in the hands of the people. Wake up Indians. In our country of democracy will we be silent?
We support who is to die for rape. We do not want animals in this beautiful world. We have to become fearful so that they can not tinker with the thought of doing so. We want to see our mother, sister, protected.

And the death of this monster must be punished with terrible and terrible punishment, so that no one else will ever do such things in the next day, and our mothers and sisters will not be treated as such.

Wake up indian Take up arms The mother pledges to protect her sisters.

Let's build a new India.
Information-rape is the 4th most common crime in India.

(According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2013)

The recent rape incident has stirred the conscience of the country. Even as India is spreading by the push of the cases of Kathua (Jammu and Kashmir) and Unnao (Uttar Pradesh), more and more cases occur almost daily such as Surat (Gujarat) and Nadia (West).

The brutal events in various parts of the country have brought India's poor track record back into the spotlight for the safety of its women for almost five years.

The average rate of rape cases reported in India is about .3 per 100,000 population. However, mas must have been careful in explaining these state-based differences with places such as Sikkim and Delhi, with a wide geographical difference of 6.8 and 22.5 respectively, as they may suffer from 'reported' cases and under-reporting.

Even India has an average rate of .3.3, which is not too high compared to the rest. In the last few years, the incidence of rape in India has increased dramatically over the past few years due to concern and awareness of the unfortunate execution case. The reported cases have grown at a huge rate of 26% in 20 years, the highest in the last 5 years, mainly driven by the expansion of reports in the states of North India, such as Rajasthan, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. The trend is also reflected in all crimes against women, and not just rape, which increased by 26% in 2016 as well.


The best proxies for the state of the legal system are the penalties for crimes against women and the amount of time it takes to investigate cases. Even though the conviction rate for all crimes against women stands at around 19% (compared to the average conviction rate of 47% for all crimes), Once again, there are huge differences in different states. The northeastern states have relatively high penalties ranging from 25% to 70% (excluding Assam). On the other hand, states like West Bengal, Gujarat, and Karnataka have less than 5%. While data on conviction rates for rape followed the same T, although results are difficult to generalize for the whole of India, there is a wide plot of conviction rates and 1,5,000 rape cases in the population, indicating little positive correlation, to prove that conviction Better prospects encourage reporting of these crimes. Of course, higher conviction rates should also act as a deterrent against crime, and that correlation can also be very pronounced. A worrying observation is that incidents have increased over the past five to six years, unfortunately, the conviction rate has been somewhat lower. Stayed. It is noteworthy that the penalty rates refer only to those cases that have completed court proceedings this year. They do not include cases that move forward, which by accident is a huge number. As of early June 2016, more than 37,377 rape cases were pending in court. At the end of the year, the litigation cases went to 133,813, an increase of 12.5%. For crimes against women as a whole, pending cases rose from 1,081,756 to 1,204,786. Of course this is a consequence of greater inefficiency in the judicial system, whose pending cases have increased from 9,012,476 to 9,703,482, which is a truly staggering number. What is more, this is not merely a slow issue of court proceedings. In 2016, more than লা 16.5 cases, under one-third of rape cases, were pending police investigation later that year. For all crimes against women, the number stood at 164,181, or just a third of the case. The maximum number of cases pending in police investigations as a percentage of all cases was highest in Manipur at 6% and Delhi at 622%, and Rajasthan at seven and Haryana at 7%.

Economic indicators

There are several variations in GDP per capita in the states of India, the richest Goa, the GDP per capita is Rs 266,3, the poorest than Bihar, only ten times more than the Rs 27,722 per capita. Which indicates that higher levels of income and its associated benefits are positively correlated with rape reporting. Removes Again, we must remember that there can be two effects to playing here - first, higher income women who have faced this crime may encourage them to report it more publicly, but at the same time it can also act as a deterrent to violent sexual behavior. .

Similarly, the correlation between a state's poverty rate and the incidence of rape per population is negative, indicating that poverty rates are higher in the lower states, with reports of rape per 100,000 population.

Social index

Sex ratio or the ratio of women to one thousand men, an important indicator for the position of women in society is the low sex ratio in several states of India due to the succession of female infanticide.

Here, we notice a clear negative correlation between gender ratio and rape report. It seems likely that cases with a higher sex ratio were reported less in the state because the number of actual cases was lower.

In contrast to the sex ratio, there is a positive correlation between female literacy rates in a state and reported rape per 100,000, indicating that women with higher levels of education are more likely to report crime.

Comments last

Interestingly, better social indicators, economic indicators, and legal firms tend to be associated with higher levels of reported crime for most indices; Sexual violence in India is an indicator of crime restriction. Although strict laws are a welcome step in tackling problems, they are not enough. As observed, the stringent laws following the 2012 Execution case have led to higher levels of reporting, but do not necessarily require higher penalties or investigations. In addition to these other remedies for social welfare, economic development, awareness programs, sex education, these cases are expedited and fast. In order to deal with a more efficient way, the current I.E. Wife need to structure requirements. Haryana, a state known for its disappointing sex ratio, recently reported that its ratio has grown to 914 boys compared to 914 girls. Not too long ago, it was one of the worst indices in the country with a ratio of just 87.8 to a thousand boys in 20 gender Although there is still a long way to go to ensure gender equality, the state has progressed through strong laws, making them stringent. Enforcement, and a combination of innovative awareness campaigns like 'Send Betty, Save Betty'. To combat sexual violence across India The time has come to implement the kind of attitude where ekantika.

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